Fix H1 Tag Is Missing on SEO Analyzer

Elisa Stepanyan

Almost all bloggers have experienced h1 tag is missing when to check a score on Bing SEO Analyzer SEO or SEO tools such as Chkme and SEORCH. Especially when we use the image header or use a free template that we often downloaded in a variety of free web templates.
In the case above Bing SEO Analyzer will display warning <h1> tag is missing, while Chkme display h1 tags: zero, and the <h1> tag not found. Inevitably this results in SEO score to be low. Because Heading Tag is the most important element in a web design and h1 here then that will be recognized first by the search engines.

Then how do I overcome the <h1> tag that is missing? Ok, follow the steps below:

1. Template> Edit HTML
2. Find the code <div id = 'header-inner'>. To facilitate the search using CTRL + F and enter the code in the search box:

<div id = 'header-inner'>
<a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' style='display: block'>
<img expr: alt = 'data: the title' expr: height = 'data: the height' expr: id = 'Data: widget.instanceId
+ & quot; _headerimg & quot; ' expr: src = 'Data: sourceUrl' expr: width = 'Data: width'
style = 'display: block' />
</ div>

2. Add the code <h1> and </ h1> before and after code <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' style='display: block'> </a> like this:

<div id = 'header-inner'>
<h1> <a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' style='display: block'>
<img expr: alt = 'data: the title' expr: height = 'data: the height' expr: id = 'Data: widget.instanceId
+ & quot; _headerimg & quot; ' expr: src = 'Data: sourceUrl' expr: width = 'Data: width'
style = 'display: block' />
</a> </ h1>
</ div>

3. Save Template

Please check back in SEO SEO analyzer. And the result is a warning <h1> tag is missing will be lost at Bing SEO Analyzer, or H1: 1 is Good in Chkme.

If the method above does not work, try changing the placement of <h1> and </ h1> as follows:

<div id = 'header-inner'>
<a expr:href='data:blog.homepageUrl' style='display: block'>
<h1> <img expr: alt = 'data: the title' expr: height = 'data: the height' expr: id = 'Data: widget.instanceId
+ & quot; _headerimg & quot; ' expr: src = 'Data: sourceUrl' expr: width = 'Data: width'
style = "display: block" /> </ h1>
</ div>